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Jeremy Whitbred

Software Engineer

What I love?
I love writing beautiful code - I want to create perfect UIs, engaging interactions and exciting products while solving problems. Lets build something together!
What are my Skills?
What do I do?
  • Javascript
  • HTML(5)
  • CSS (3)
  • AngularJS
  • jQuery
  • Node.js
  • Sass and LESS
What else have I used?
  • C#
  • .NET and Razor
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Wordpress
  • PHP
What are my tools?
  • Sublime Text
  • vim
  • Visual Studio
  • OSX/UNIX/Linux
  • Photoshop
  • JIRA and Crucible
  • Git and Github
  • Heroku
  • Gulp and Grunt
What have I built?
Where have I built these skills?
Disney, Seattle, WA - Senior Software Engineer
(2015 - Now)
Front end Engineer. Write and maintain AngularJS app for login and account management across Disney properties. Design and implement new features and APIs for other Disney development teams to build products with our Web and iOS/Android libraries., Seattle, Wa - Software Engineer
(2014 - 2015)
Full stack developer. Built two sided marketplace using Node.js, Postgres, and Heroku. Designed and implemented services, consumed internal and external APIs, implemented front end UI with Sass, Handlebars and Javascript. 2nd Engineering hire for startup.
Nordstrom Direct, Seattle, WA - Interactive Developer
(2013 - 2014)
Frontend/mid tier developer specializing in enterprise level Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and C#. Create both customer facing content and build reusable components for custom enterprise level CMS. Voice for my dev team for technical questions and as point of contact for internal clients. Extensive use of git for version control, help with conversion to Grunt for internal tools.
TurnClick, Portland, OR. - Lead User Experience Developer
(2012 - 2013)
Create custom Wordpress themes, work from Photoshop mockups to create finalized semantic HTML and interactive Javascript, work with designers on layout and customer expectations.
R+E Cycles, Seattle, WA. - Web Developer, SysAdmin, Tech Guru
(2008 - 2013)
Brought my employer's website ( from the geocities dark ages to a compliant and navigatable web experience. Experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Wordpress, Facebook and server development/deployment.
Cornish College of the Arts - Seattle, WA. - 2002-2006
Mercer Island High School - Mercer Island, WA. - 2002
What else have I done?
Board member of a nonprofit organization, North American Hardcourt Bike Polo, in charge of communication. Maintain Wordpress site, professional use of Facebook to build customer base, manage team and brainstorm ideas for public consumption using Trello.
Generating content and moderating and
Administered deployment of enterprise level routers for distant job sites.
Administrator of web store and Facebook to generate customer attention and web traffic. Extensive use of PHP to fix bugs in open source software.
Exploratory development of Android application.
Sound Editing Software - In-depth experience using Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Abelton Live, Logic, MAX/MSP, Sibelius, Reason and several VST plug-ins. Includes creation of scripts and software to interface between commercially available software products.